Company's Descriptions |
We are company exporter of Russian natural honey from Altai , our honey well know as "Altai honey" . Working directly with producers of natural honey, we control quality of products and take care of delivery to FOB Vladivostok and FOB Nakhodka.<BR>For your convenience, we are registered company in the Jurisdiction of Hong Kong. |
We are company exporter of Russian natural honey from Altai , our honey well know as "Altai honey" . Working directly with producers of natural honey, we control quality of products and take care of delivery to FOB Vladivostok and FOB Nakhodka.<BR>For your convenience, we are registered company in the Jurisdiction of Hong Kong. |
Contact us |
Russia Biysk Altai 659300 |
http://chesnokovo.com |
chesnokovohoney@gmail.com |
Russian Federation
Product Description in English |
取り扱い商品 Japanese |
Russian natural honey from Altai , our honey well know as "Altai honey". .Produced in the Altai region, Russia, on apiaries in the eco-friendly valleys. |
アルタイからのロシアの天然蜂蜜、私たちの蜂蜜は、よく「アルタイの蜂蜜」として知られています。 |
HS Code Categories in English |
HS Code Categories in Japanese |
0409 天然はちみつ |
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