Acumen Surgical Pvt Ltd
Company's Descriptions
Image ACUMEN Surgical Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of SURGICAL, DENTAL and MANICURE Instruments and has been supplying its QUALITY INSTRUMENTS to more than a 100 customers in 59 countries of the world.<BR><BR>ACUMEN has been serving this industry for the last four and a half decades with its never ending struggle to achieve EXCELLENCE through hard work and a commitment to attain customers complete satisfaction.<BR><BR>With best regards <BR>Rashid Dodhy

ACUMEN Surgical Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of SURGICAL, DENTAL and MANICURE Instruments and has been supplying its QUALITY INSTRUMENTS to more than a 100 customers in 59 countries of the world.<BR><BR>ACUMEN has been serving this industry for the last four and a half decades with its never ending struggle to achieve EXCELLENCE through hard work and a commitment to attain customers complete satisfaction.<BR><BR>With best regards <BR>Rashid Dodhy
Contact us Jinah town capital road Sialkot panjab 51310 Pakistan
Product Description in English 取り扱い商品 Japanese
Dental Instruments Dental Instruments
HS Code Categories in English HS Code Categories in Japanese
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