Company's Descriptions | ||||||||||||||||
Anttel Technology Ltd. is a high-tech company in the design and manufacturing of customized antennas including GSM/CDMA/LTE antennas, WiMax antennas, military antennas, etc. in the various applications as well as its associated accessories including telecom towers and cable trays, etc. Also Anttel extends its business to househould appliances such as uninterrupible LED light, solar panel home system and so on. | ||||||||||||||||
Anttel Technology Ltd. is a high-tech company in the design and manufacturing of customized antennas including GSM/CDMA/LTE antennas, WiMax antennas, military antennas, etc. in the various applications as well as its associated accessories including telecom towers and cable trays, etc. Also Anttel extends its business to househould appliances such as uninterrupible LED light, solar panel home system and so on. |
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