Company's Descriptions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Our office is located in suwon city, Korea. We have been dealing with small home appliances and health products for long time. Most of the products introduced by us were developed by new ideas applying revolutionary new concepts.<BR><BR>We are confident that these products will offer the highest success potential for your business. Please contact us if you are looking for ways to; import products and equipment, become a distributor and/or an agent, or any other form of cooperation. We are always ready to listen to any of your proposals with an open mind. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
はじめまして、韓国のベストグリーンでございます。<BR>弊社は、韓国のSuwon に本社を置き、健康関連専門企業でございます。<BR>また若い企業でございますが、高い信頼を元で USA, Germany, UK, Australia などと取引をさせていたたきます。<BR>弊社と弊社の製品について関心があったら、いつでもメールでお願いします。 |
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群馬といえば 焼きまんじゅう/ 饅頭 パラオGTフィッシング倶楽部 調剤薬局 おっきりこみ 焼まんじゅう |