D-nail Water Nail Polish is empowered by ABC company where is located in Michigan .We fetch in <BR><BR>material and pure water to make a new product-Water nail Polish, which is not smelly, tasteless,sight<BR><BR>flower fragrance and does not injure human body absolutely, enables the decorate nail to become akind<BR><BR>of enjoyment. This brightness of this product reaches above 90%, the color is new tide and sharp, not<BR><BR>easy to fall off. To dispel does not need to use the nail polish remover including chemical materials<BR><BR>such as the toluene, the acetone and so on, which can injure the nail, the skin and the lungs.<BR><BR>According to the medicine reports pointing out that, if we use the nail polish remover <BR><BR>including acetone repeatedly, it could bring to the nail dehydration, frailty that it’s easy to <BR><BR>split and reak off, moreover, infect the bacterium and mildew, even it is possible to cause <BR><BR>onychorrhexis in the long-term use. Has scratched the water nail polish, only soak the finger in the<BR><BR>hot water for 2-3minute, then strips off the nail polish easily, extremely convenient, so you can <BR><BR>change color what you like. Using environmental protection water nail polish is one kind of <BR><BR>enjoyment, but not a bad thing, it cannot cause the nail to become crisp, yellow, cracked, and not <BR><BR>contain the deleterious substance such as the toluene and the phosphorus phthalic acid fat and so on<BR><BR> The density of material in human body is very high, it can harm the liver, the kidney, the <BR><BR>cardiovascular and thereproductive system, it also affects the endocrine function. Professor Cheng <BR><BR>Changmei from Qinghua University chemistry department said that this matter in cosmetics can enter in<BR><BR>into the human body through the respirometric system and the skin of feminine, the rate of suffering<BR><BR>from beast cancer would be increased if using it more, it also can harm the reproductive system to <BR><BR>give birth to spadger. The research shows that the phosphorus phthalic acid fat like female incretion<BR><BR>in human body and animal, it can interfere the internal secretion, lead the semen to be little, low <BR><BR>active ability and abnormal shape, what the worst is that Testicle Cancer,<BR><BR>which is the imputation of the reproductive problem of male’s. Water nail <BR><BR>polish is environmental protection, not smelly, tasteless, no toluene and <BR><BR>not harm to human body. It has pasted by the International Cuticle Cream <BR><BR>Examination and People’Republic of China Cosmetics Sanitation Standard <BR><BR>(2002) <Report No.SZF0609111175101>.The harmful chemical substance and <BR><BR>microorganism's content will be 1% to 6% in the standard content, even is <BR><BR>lower than the normal value. Strip without using the nail polish remover, no scratch when using it ,<BR><BR>not easy to dry for store. If you felt it is too thick, you can add little drip to the bottle, sways<BR><BR>it evenly, so that it’s easy to wipe and become more smoothly. It’s not a waste to use up. <BR><BR> Traditional nail polish used organic solvent as main ingredient, such as formaldehyde, <BR><BR>toluene. The principle of nail polish to adhere to the surface of nail is that it destroys the <BR><BR>surface of the nail, which appears some coarse hole in the surface, so that the nail polish can seep<BR><BR>into the hole. In the long-term use, the coloring matter is easy to deposit, and the nail is easy to <BR><BR>become yellow and slope. Although the famous brands in the world use the traditional ingredient, many<BR><BR>famine lose the healthy nail to beauty their nail. |