Xiamen chllbio co.,ltd
Company's Descriptions
Image Xiamen Chllbio Auto Wheel Co.,LTD.Which is an auto part manufacturer in Ximen China.With an area of 58000 square meters and over 500 employees.Our company specializes in manufacturing auto aluminum wheel hubs.<BR>We have advanced production aquipment including stress casting equipment.low pressuer casting equipment,heat treameng furnaces,casting lines and wheel-electroplating plants.Our designed annual output is 8,000,000 sets of auto aluminum wheels,ranging from 12 inches to 26 inches.<BR>Chllbio produces products insist on the principle of"Safety first and High value".We have a R&D Dept,a Foundry,a Heat Treament Workshop,a Casting Workshop and a Quality Control Workshop are all managed and supervised by specialists.We owner over 32 sets od detecting deviees,Including X-RAY apparatuses,Spectrum apparatuses,Impact resistance testers,Dynamic cornering fatigue tester,Dybanic radial fatigue tester.Our products have pass the evaluation of Japanese JWL and VIA,certification,American SFI certification and German TUV certification.Excellent team and modernazed management make sure the high quality of our products.

弊社は中国福建省にあるホイール生産工場で、12~26インチまで対応しています。X—RAY、伸び試験機、スペクトル分析儀、結晶分析儀、衝撃試験機、回転曲げ疲労試験機、半径方向負荷試験機などの検査機器を使い、安全と品質管理を行っております。<BR> <BR>日本の品質認証機関などの基準をクリアできる品質管理体制で、厳しい品質管理で日本のお客様にも信頼を頂いております。<BR> <BR>デザイン性のあるものから、機能を重視したものまで、お客様のニーズに合わせ製作致しております。日本語も対応しております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。
Contact us 10Q Bonded Goods Market Building, Huli, District, Xiamen, China Xiamen,China Xiamen 361006
sale@chllbiowheel.com China
Product Description in English 取り扱い商品 Japanese
alloy wheels,auto wheels,custom wheel,aluminum wheels,passenger car wheel,replica wheels,auto rims,car alloy wheel,chrome alloy wheel,black alloy wheels,hyper silver alloy wheel,silver alloy wheels,aluminum wheels,aluminum auto wheels,SUV alloy wheels,discount wheel,Aftermarket wheels,repliaca alloy wheels,oem wheels. アルミホイール、アロイホイール、合金ホイール、車ホイール、リム、デザインホイール、OEMホイール、Alloy wheel、Aluminum、rim<BR>
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