Company's Descriptions | ||||||||||||||||||
Our company is a Korean trading company which was established in September 1999. We mainly run the recycle and regenerate resources. We sell non-ferrous metal scrap (mainly Stannum(Tin), Cobalt, Nickel, Lithium, Tungsten, Magnesium, Titanium, Stainless Steel) and various electronic scrap spare parts (such as: IC, T/R, Condenser, mobile phone accessories, Semi-conductors, capacitor) in domestic market, which are imported from Korea, Japan, United States and Europe. <BR><BR>We also export various tools and mould products to Korea market. Meanwhile we perform as the sole Asian agent of KALVO company who produces Automatic cleaning system for Heat Exchanger. Also we export daily-use products to Germany. | ||||||||||||||||||
韓国、日本から電気製品、IC、液晶、携帯電話、非鉄金属、貴金属、毒物、劇物等を中国に輸入して中国で販売しています。日本で販売が難しい製品と中古品或いは在庫品を中国に輸入して販売しております。<BR> |
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