Company's Descriptions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hyperwell is a manufactruing and sales organization that is owned by a consortium of some of Taiwan's leading manufacturing companies. We focus on manufacturing and exporting a series of safekeeping products that are applicable to Material Handling and Storage,Cargo Transporting and Fall Protection Systems.We also provide our customers with customized OEM & ODM Manufacturing service to meet their individual needs.<BR>We hope this web can provide you with more understanding of the capabilities of Hyperwell and hopefully,we are able to have a chance to work together accordingly to establish a long-term relationship with your company in the near future.<BR>Should you have any questions please contact with us directly.<BR>Thank you for your support and patronage,we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.<BR>Sincerely yours,<BR>General Manager/Jerry cheng | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
弊社ハイパーウエルは台湾でも一流の製造会社と提携している製造販売会社であり、荷物の取り扱い、貯蔵、運搬及び落下防止に係わる一連の安全保護関連用品の製造.輸出業務を扱っております。更には、お客様ご依頼のOEM及びODM生産のご用命も受け賜っております。<BR>お客様各位にとりまして、このウエブが弊社ハイパーウエルをご理解頂く手段となり、是非ともお付き合い頂く機会を頂載し将来に渡ってお客様各位と長いお付き合いを築かせて頂きたく存じておりますので宜しくお願い申し上げます。<BR>ご質問等ございましたら、ご遠慮なく直接弊社にご連絡願えれば幸甚でございます。<BR>どうぞご支援ご鞭撻の程宜しくお願い申し上げますと共に、ご用命あります事を心よりお待ち申しております。<BR><BR>敬具<BR>ハイパーウエル株式会社<BR>代表取締役 ジェリー チェン |
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