Company's Descriptions | ||||||||||||||||||
Dear CUSTOMERS,<BR>We are very pleased to have this opportunity of introducing ourselves.<BR>We are one of the several major exporters of used forklift truck in Osaka, Japan.<BR>There are many forklift dealers of Japanese brand forklift trucks throughout the country, who look for the outlet, through which they sell the used machines, after replacing them with brand new ones at their customers.<BR>We are the one who buy them and bring the machines to our garage to have them fixed, prior to the export. <BR>We have many constant customers all over the world, ranging from the United States to the countries in Europe and Asia, earning great amount of credit for the last couple of decades.<BR>Recently, we have been suffering from the world wide slow economy and having a difficulty of selling the machines in our stock, which we believe might give you a chance of buying some cheap machine from us.<BR>At this moment, we have TOYOTA, NISSAN, KOMATSU, MITSUBISHI, T C M, N Y K, and SHINKO.<BR>With their tonnage from 1-ton to 5 or 6-ton. With their fuel, gasoline, diesel and battery. <BR>Since Kyoei Auto began exporting forklifts, we have established many regular clients from all over the world because of their satisfation with the quality of the work that Kyoei Auto's employees do.<BR>If you would be interested in some special specification, we would look for them before offering them to you.If your have a computer, to which we can our offer with the pictures, we want you to give us your e-mail address.We couldn't be happier than opening an account with you and hopefully long-lasting business relationship.<BR>If you have any question or request, please don't hesitate to ask us anything.<BR>We would be ready to live up to your expectation. | ||||||||||||||||||
私たち共栄オートコーポレーションは、大阪で五十年以上、国内外のお客様に中古フォークリフトを供給しております。現在では『販売』『買取』『レンタル』はもちろん、自社整備工場での『修理』『点検』『検査』など、お客様に安心してお買い求めいただき、充実のアフターサービスも提供しております。<BR><BR>常時150台前後の販売可能車両をストックしておりますので、お客様の要望に合った車両をきっと見つけることが出来るでしょう。<BR>海外の販売実績としましては、東南アジア、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、オーストラリア、ニュージランドなどの国をはじめ、全世界に月間250台以上のフォークリフトを輸出しています。<BR><BR>整備工場でのサービススタッフは常時10名以上で対応し、出荷前には現状渡しのフォークリフトの場合でも適切な整備を致しております。<BR><BR>持ち込み修理も承っておりますので、お客様のフォークリフトが故障した場合、弊社自慢のサービススタッフの手によって修理させていただく事も可能です。<BR><BR>中古フォークリフトのレンタルも随時承っております。<BR>豊富な品揃えの中から、お客様の用途に合った車両をお選びいただけます。 |
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