Q. S. Control Corp
Company's Descriptions
  We are supplier the high quality Pickled plum

Contact us 5158 Via Pisa, Dos Vientos Ranch Thousand Oaks California 91320
sato527@aol.com United States
Product Description in English 取り扱い商品 Japanese
Umeboshi are purple Japanese plums that have been dried and pickled with sea salt and aged for up to a few years, and have very medicinsal 'alka seltzer' type uses. <BR><BR>In fact there is quite a lot of scientific evidence to support the benefits of eating umeboshi. The sour, alkaline taste stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juices, activating the digestive system. The citric acid in the dried fruit also increases metabolism and, more importantly, assists the absorption of calcium in the intestine. The pyric acid in ume fruit enhances liver function and can help break down alcohol in the liver, so it is often recommended to eat umeboshi (and drink a large quantity of tea) as a hangover cure. <BR><BR>In addition, this wizened little fruit also acts as a sterilizer and antibacterial agent. It contains organic acids that can kill bacteria, so an umeboshi is usually included in a bento lunchbox, as a "garnish, " to prevent food-poisoning, especially during the summer months when bacterial growth is greatest and hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach are lowest. It is also added to onigiri riceball-fillings to prevent spoilage. Truly a fruit for all seasons! <BR><BR>Umeboshi are made in June, when green, immature plums come onto the market. They are cured in salt for about two weeks, then packed with salted shiso leaves (beefsteak plant) to impart a red color and marinated for a further four weeks. They can either be eaten straight from the jar or sun-dried for a few days, until they resemble an anemic prune. <BR><BR>Our Ume are selected strictly by a professional director. <BR>Our Umeboshi are with only natural salt and keep good flavor. <BR>In addition , its contain no any other additive . <BR><BR>So you can eat it safely and it is good for your health 余計な物を一切添加していない、こだわった・真面目に作った紀州・南高梅の梅干です。 <BR>梅作りのプロが選びに選んだ梅の実とミネラルたっぷりの天日塩のみで仕上げた絶品の白干し梅です。また、その絶品に紫蘇のみを入れた、昔ながらの紫蘇梅も、なつかしい味がします。当社特選の梅干の販売提携先を探しております。宜しくお願い申し上げます。 <BR><BR>
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群馬といえば 焼きまんじゅう/ 饅頭 パラオGTフィッシング倶楽部 調剤薬局 おっきりこみ 焼まんじゅう
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