Leo Lapuerta, M.D.
Company's Descriptions
Image Dr. Lapuerta is a triple board certified plastic & reconstructive surgeon who provides his patients highly individualized care. Dr. Lapuerta personally spends time with each patient to explain everything thoroughly, and to answer every question and concern. Dr. Lapuerta is highly accessible to his cosmetic surgery patients and truly cares about what you are going through.

Dr. Lapuerta is a triple board certified plastic & reconstructive surgeon who provides his patients highly individualized care. Dr. Lapuerta personally spends time with each patient to explain everything thoroughly, and to answer every question and concern. Dr. Lapuerta is highly accessible to his cosmetic surgery patients and truly cares about what you are going through.
Contact us 1919 LaBranch St. Houston TX 77002
leolapuerta12@ymail.com United States
Product Description in English 取り扱い商品 Japanese
Dr. Lapuerta is a triple board certified plastic & reconstructive surgeon who provides his patients highly individualized care.
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