Company's Descriptions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We waited for you to visit hereheartily. Originally it is for our work to buy cars from visitors in Japan and we sold them at a fair price to trading companies and the used car distributors who were our customers. Therefore we can lay in stock of a car more cheaper price than the trading company where you have dealings and we can sell it. We sold our stock to other trading companies and auction, and you purchased a car till now, but please have dealings with us directly from now on. And you can get more than before much profit by purchasing our stock because you do not submit an extra expense.<BR> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
当社の在庫の多くはユーザーからの直接買い取り車両です。オークションからの仕入れより低価格高品質な在庫をそろえることが可能です。<BR> |
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群馬といえば 焼きまんじゅう/ 饅頭 パラオGTフィッシング倶楽部 調剤薬局 おっきりこみ 焼まんじゅう |