Company's Descriptions | ||||||||||||||||||||
Q. S. Control Corp. is a leading supplier of raw materials, equipment, molds and technology for the production of cast polymer products for the past 38 years. We feature the latest equipment and offer detailed technology transfers for the cast polymer industry to produce Solid Surface Material, Cultured Marble or Polymer Concrete products.<BR>We pride ourselves with providing a very complete line of labor saving machines and the most comprehensive training to quickly get you up and running with an efficient, successful and competitive factory system of your own. You will have the option to purchase our high quality raw materials or you may choose to have us assist you to source raw materials from your local market.<BR>Whatever the cast polymer production need may be; whether it is molds, raw materials, machinery, equipment, technology, training or design; Q. S. Control is committed to providing quality products and services at competitive prices.<BR>Q. S. Control's engineering department designs complete turn key factories which will meet our customer’s specified output requirements. With our many years of practical production experience, we stand ready to supply production equipment and training for the manufacturing of cast polymer products. Our engineers coordinate all projects from the early design stage through manufacturing, as well as equipment installation and commissioning at the client's site. We ensure that the cast polymer factory and equipment supplied by Q. S. Control are safe, efficient and durable. This gives you the peace of mind for years of trouble free operations. Q. S. Control’s custom designed plants may include such machinery as vibration tables, multi-level conveyor lines, lifting systems, vacuum batch blenders, continuous casting machines, elevating exchange carts, panel sanding machines, gel coat spray booths, gel coast spray machines, grinding booths, heat cure ovens, environmental dust collection machines and much more. We stand by your side until your factory is up and running to your complete satisfaction.<BR>Molds represent a major portion of our product sales. We also know that no amount of manufacturing ingenuity can take the place of a quality handcrafted mold. The integrity of our molds is the result of careful procedures and strict controls. All incoming supplies are tested to ensure that only quality raw materials are used. Quality control inspections are made four times during our production process, with a final inspection made just prior to shipping the mold to you.<BR>A wide variety of standard production molds are available to all Cultured Marble and Solid Surface Material manufacturers. Q. S. Control's design staff is continually producing new molds based on the market directions, trends and consumer preferences of both commercial and residential environments. This experience has resulted in the introduction of over 4,400 exclusive production mold designs that meet the ever changing market conditions of the market and our customers. <BR>If you do not have your own mold designs you may choose from our 800 standard master molds for panels, sheets, bathtubs, shower trays, vanity tops, bathroom sinks, tabletops, wall trims, kitchen counters, kitchen sinks, decorative panels, bathroom accessories, commercial counter tops, and many more unique, custom cast molds. <BR>Additionally, new product designs are exclusively developed in response to our customer's specific project needs. Our design department and skilled craftsmen continue to provide new product designs and production molds for the industry in general, as well as on a proprietary basis for individual accounts. You can generate new designs in two ways: by requesting a custom mold for your own exclusive product, or by requesting modifications to our standard molds. Over the years our molds have improved substantially, reflecting the newest design trends, latest materials and the best construction techniques to give our customers the longest lasting molds in the industry at a competitive price.<BR>Q. S. Control's exclusive granite-look filler raw material, yields high quality products for kitchens, bathrooms, and commercial architectural environments. It is colored matched to the leading brands, including the Dupont Corian ™ colors. We offer a full range of granite colors and sizes, from fine granules to larger particles. We can supply our customers a full range of resins, fillers, chips, particulates, pigments and glue kits.<BR><BR>Please visit the below website page.<BR> | ||||||||||||||||||||
Q. S. Control Corpは、この度、キッチンカウンター、バスタブ、または洗面台のシンク等を人工大理石で作成する製品製造設備を開発致しました。当設備はアメリカでも高く評価されており、もちろん他社に負けない価格にて皆様に提供させていただいております。 弊社は建設業界において幅広く使用されている素材で”石のように見えて、木のように切れる”世界的にも有名な”デュポン・コーリアン”に匹敵する製品を製造する機具と技術を提供させていただきます。 日本での製造機器の設置や技術指導の手筈はご注文後、即座に対応し技術者を派遣させて頂きます。1967年設立以来、弊社は常に新しいものが求められる当業界において質の高い商品と質の高いサービスの提供に尽力して参りました。 弊社はロサンゼルスに拠点を置き、今日の人工大理石製造業界において最新の技術を提供させていただいております。ディレクター、技術者、指導者、従業員が一致団結し、絶えず急速に変化す るこの業界を生き抜いてきました。著名なブランドや製造業者に弊社の機具を使用していただいております。 また、商品、技術、サービスを根源として、既存の製造業者の方々からこれからビジネスを始め られる企業家の方々にもサポートできる体制を整えております。 弊社は製造機具の開発に特化しており、最新の製造機具の提供が可能となっております。 お客様のご要望がございましたら工場設備のカスタマイズも可能であります。 商品の鋳型は洗面台、キッチンの流し台、テーブル、バスタブなど様々な型に対応できるよう800を超える型とサイズをご用意しております。もしご要望が適わない場合は鋳型のカスタマイズが可能であります。 製造技術のノウハウはロサンゼルスにて定期的に開催されるトレーニングクラスに参加いただくか、弊社の工場に来ていただくのが難しい場合は、弊社の方から技術者等の派遣は可能となってお ります。これにおき、お客様にとって必要な情報はすべて提供させていただきます。 |
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