Company's Descriptions |
As an asian sales network of The Coronet Group in Germany,<BR>one of the internationally renowed makers in the fields of oral care products, we are specialized in innovative toothbrush bristles and Innovative toothbrush, all kinds of oral care products.<BR>For the details, PLZ visit our URL;www.ec21.com/sepo396 |
As an Asia Gerneral agent of The Coronet Group in Germany,<BR>one of the internationally renowed makers in the fields of oral care products, we are specialized in innovative toothbrush bristles and Innovative toothbrush, all kinds of oral care products.<BR>For the details, PLZ visit iur URL;www.ec21.com/sepo396 |
Contact us |
Room 206,Youngdong Plaza, 71-3, Hakdong, Donggu Gwangju-city Korea 501-190 |
http://ec21.com/sepo396 |
sepo366@hanmail.net |
South Korea
Product Description in English |
取り扱い商品 Japanese |
Standard filaments, Innovative toothbrush filaments.Innovative toothbrush, oral care products. For the details, Please refer to our URL. |
Innovative toothbrush filaments, Innovative toothbrush, oral care products |
HS Code Categories in English |
HS Code Categories in Japanese |
9603 ほうき、ブラシ(機械類、車両の一部として使用するものを含む)動力駆動式でない手動床掃除機、モップ、羽毛ダスター、ほうき、ブラシの製造用に結束し、房状にした物品、ペイントパッド、ペイントローラー、スクイージー(ローラースクイージーを除く) |
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