Company's Descriptions
  Dear customer: <BR>Snuff Bottles are a kind of vessel with which to hold snuff. It has been verified that snuff came into China during the Ming Dynasty as a kind of present by western missionaries. It was very popular in the Qing Dynasty. Snuff Bottles can be divided into six kinds: metal, art, ceramic, glass, rhinestone, organic, and those with an interior picture. Snuff bottles, within the realm of Chinese craftwork, are known as pocket-size works of art. Snuff bottles with interior designs first appeared in the Jiali time of the Qing Dynasty. Bottles with an interior design combine both Chinese painting and bottle making techniques. The artist will choose a hyaline-like material to make the bottle, and then the artist will insert a special kind of hooked pen into the bottle to write words and draw pictures on the interior of the frosted wall. This technique has been described as the skill of a god. In modern times, the interior picture design is divided into four branches: Ji (the abbreviated name of Hebei Province), Jing (Beijing), Lu (Shandong Province), and the Yue (Guangdong Province) branch. Among these four, the Ji branch is the most influential one.<BR><BR>Our company serves as the agent for a manufacturer of interior painting snuff bottles in Hebei Province. Our manufacturer produces "Ji" style snuff bottles of excellent craftsmanship and in a wide variety of themes. We have included product pictures in this letter for your company to view. Our products can also be produced to our customer's specific recommendations. We are very flexible and our customers may choose the design and theme for themselves, for example: historic figures, famous paintings, family portraits, mountains, rivers, flowers, and any kind of animal. Our snuff bottles make excellent Christmas gifts for loved ones. We welcome and treasure your input and requests, and strive for cooperation with any and all interested customers.<BR><BR>Shijiazhuang Yarui Exhibition Panoptic Co.Ltd.Export Trading Department<BR> Tel:0086—0—13784333298<BR>Fax:0086—311—6080115<BR>E-mail :snuffbottle@sohu.com<BR>Sincerely yours qu de gen <BR><BR><BR>Dear customer: <BR>Snuff Bottles are a kind of vessel with which to hold snuff. It has been verified that snuff came into China during the Ming Dynasty as a kind of present by western missionaries. It was very popular in the Qing Dynasty. Snuff Bottles can be divided into six kinds: metal, art, ceramic, glass, rhinestone, organic, and those with an interior picture. Snuff bottles, within the realm of Chinese craftwork, are known as pocket-size works of art. Snuff bottles with interior designs first appeared in the Jiali time of the Qing Dynasty. Bottles with an interior design combine both Chinese painting and bottle making techniques. The artist will choose a hyaline-like material to make the bottle, and then the artist will insert a special kind of hooked pen into the bottle to write words and draw pictures on the interior of the frosted wall. This technique has been described as the skill of a god. In modern times, the interior picture design is divided into four branches: Ji (the abbreviated name of Hebei Province), Jing (Beijing), Lu (Shandong Province), and the Yue (Guangdong Province) branch. Among these four, the Ji branch is the most influential one.<BR><BR>Our company serves as the agent for a manufacturer of interior painting snuff bottles in Hebei Province. Our manufacturer produces "Ji" style snuff bottles of excellent craftsmanship and in a wide variety of themes. We have included product pictures in this letter for your company to view. Our products can also be produced to our customer's specific recommendations. We are very flexible and our customers may choose the design and theme for themselves, for example: historic figures, famous paintings, family portraits, mountains, rivers, flowers, and any kind of animal. Our snuff bottles make excellent Christmas gifts for loved ones. We welcome and treasure your input and requests, and strive for cooperation with any and all interested customers.<BR><BR>Shijiazhuang Yarui Exhibition Panoptic Co.Ltd.Export Trading Department<BR> Tel:0086—0—13784333298<BR>Fax:0086—311—6080115<BR>E-mail :snuffbottle@sohu.com<BR>Sincerely yours qu de gen <BR><BR>Dear customer: <BR>Snuff Bottles are a kind of vessel with which to hold snuff. It has been verified that snuff came into China during the Ming Dynasty as a kind of present by western missionaries. It was very popular in the Qing Dynasty. Snuff Bottles can be divided into six kinds: metal, art, ceramic, glass, rhinestone, organic, and those with an interior picture. Snuff bottles, within the realm of Chinese craftwork, are known as pocket-size works of art. Snuff bottles with interior designs first appeared in the Jiali time of the Qing Dynasty. Bottles with an interior design combine both Chinese painting and bottle making techniques. The artist will choose a hyaline-like material to make the bottle, and then the artist will insert a special kind of hooked pen into the bottle to write words and draw pictures on the interior of the frosted wall. This technique has been described as the skill of a god. In modern times, the interior picture design is divided into four branches: Ji (the abbreviated name of Hebei Province), Jing (Beijing), Lu (Shandong Province), and the Yue (Guangdong Province) branch. Among these four, the Ji branch is the most influential one.<BR><BR>Our company serves as the agent for a manufacturer of interior painting snuff bottles in Hebei Province. Our manufacturer produces "Ji" style snuff bottles of excellent craftsmanship and in a wide variety of themes. We have included product pictures in this letter for your company to view. Our products can also be produced to our customer's specific recommendations. We are very flexible and our customers may choose the design and theme for themselves, for example: historic figures, famous paintings, family portraits, mountains, rivers, flowers, and any kind of animal. Our snuff bottles make excellent Christmas gifts for loved ones. We welcome and treasure your input and requests, and strive for cooperation with any and all interested customers.<BR><BR>Shijiazhuang Yarui Exhibition Panoptic Co.Ltd.Export Trading Department<BR> Tel:0086—0—13784333298<BR>Fax:0086—311—6080115<BR>E-mail :snuffbottle@sohu.com<BR>Sincerely yours qu de gen <BR><BR>Dear customer: <BR>Snuff Bottles are a kind of vessel with which to hold snuff. It has been verified that snuff came into China during the Ming Dynasty as a kind of present by western missionaries. It was very popular in the Qing Dynasty. Snuff Bottles can be divided into six kinds: metal, art, ceramic, glass, rhinestone, organic, and those with an interior picture. Snuff bottles, within the realm of Chinese craftwork, are known as pocket-size works of art. Snuff bottles with interior designs first appeared in the Jiali time of the Qing Dynasty. Bottles with an interior design combine both Chinese painting and bottle making techniques. The artist will choose a hyaline-like material to make the bottle, and then the artist will insert a special kind of hooked pen into the bottle to write words and draw pictures on the interior of the frosted wall. This technique has been described as the skill of a god. In modern times, the interior picture design is divided into four branches: Ji (the abbreviated name of Hebei Province), Jing (Beijing), Lu (Shandong Province), and the Yue (Guangdong Province) branch. Among these four, the Ji branch is the most influential one.<BR><BR>Our company serves as the agent for a manufacturer of interior painting snuff bottles in Hebei Province. Our manufacturer produces "Ji" style snuff bottles of excellent craftsmanship and in a wide variety of themes. We have included product pictures in this letter for your company to view. Our products can also be produced to our customer's specific recommendations. We are very flexible and our customers may choose the design and theme for themselves, for example: historic figures, famous paintings, family portraits, mountains, rivers, flowers, and any kind of animal. Our snuff bottles make excellent Christmas gifts for loved ones. We welcome and treasure your input and requests, and strive for cooperation with any and all interested customers.<BR><BR>Shijiazhuang Yarui Exhibition Panoptic Co.Ltd.Export Trading Department<BR> Tel:0086—0—13784333298<BR>Fax:0086—311—6080115<BR>E-mail :snuffbottle@sohu.com<BR>Sincerely yours qu de gen <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> <BR>Dear customer: <BR>Snuff Bottles are a kind of vessel with which to hold snuff. It has been verified that snuff came into China during the Ming Dynasty as a kind of present by western missionaries. It was very popular in the Qing Dynasty. Snuff Bottles can be divided into six kinds: metal, art, ceramic, glass, rhinestone, organic, and those with an interior picture. Snuff bottles, within the realm of Chinese craftwork, are known as pocket-size works of art. Snuff bottles with interior designs first appeared in the Jiali time of the Qing Dynasty. Bottles with an interior design combine both Chinese painting and bottle making techniques. The artist will choose a hyaline-like material to make the bottle, and then the artist will insert a special kind of hooked pen into the bottle to write words and draw pictures on the interior of the frosted wall. This technique has been described as the skill of a god. In modern times, the interior picture design is divided into four branches: Ji (the abbreviated name of Hebei Province), Jing (Beijing), Lu (Shandong Province), and the Yue (Guangdong Province) branch. Among these four, the Ji branch is the most influential one.<BR><BR>Our company serves as the agent for a manufacturer of interior painting snuff bottles in Hebei Province. Our manufacturer produces "Ji" style snuff bottles of excellent craftsmanship and in a wide variety of themes. We have included product pictures in this letter for your company to view. Our products can also be produced to our customer's specific recommendations. We are very flexible and our customers may choose the design and theme for themselves, for example: historic figures, famous paintings, family portraits, mountains, rivers, flowers, and any kind of animal. Our snuff bottles make excellent Christmas gifts for loved ones. We welcome and treasure your input and requests, and strive for cooperation with any and all interested customers.<BR><BR>Shijiazhuang Yarui Exhibition Panoptic Co.Ltd.Export Trading Department<BR> Tel:0086—0—13784333298<BR>Fax:0086—311—6080115<BR>E-mail :snuffbottle@sohu.com<BR>Sincerely yours qu de gen <BR><BR>Dear customer: <BR>Snuff Bottles are a kind of vessel with which to hold snuff. It has been verified that snuff came into China during the Ming Dynasty as a kind of present by western missionaries. It was very popular in the Qing Dynasty. Snuff Bottles can be divided into six kinds: metal, art, ceramic, glass, rhinestone, organic, and those with an interior picture. Snuff bottles, within the realm of Chinese craftwork, are known as pocket-size works of art. Snuff bottles with interior designs first appeared in the Jiali time of the Qing Dynasty. Bottles with an interior design combine both Chinese painting and bottle making techniques. The artist will choose a hyaline-like material to make the bottle, and then the artist will insert a special kind of hooked pen into the bottle to write words and draw pictures on the interior of the frosted wall. This technique has been described as the skill of a god. In modern times, the interior picture design is divided into four branches: Ji (the abbreviated name of Hebei Province), Jing (Beijing), Lu (Shandong Province), and the Yue (Guangdong Province) branch. Among these four, the Ji branch is the most influential one.Our company serves as the agent for a manufacturer of interior painting snuff bottles in Hebei Province. Our manufacturer produces "Ji" style snuff bottles of excellent craftsmanship and in a wide variety of themes. We have included product pictures in this letter for your company to view. Our products can also be produced to our customer's specific recommendations. We are very flexible and our customers may choose the design and theme for themselves, for example: historic figures, famous paintings, family portraits, mountains, rivers, flowers, and any kind of animal. Our snuff bottles make excellent Christmas gifts for loved ones. We welcome and treasure your input and requests, and strive for cooperation with any and all interested customers.Shijiazhuang Yarui Exhibition Panoptic Co.Ltd.Export Trading Department。Tel:0086—0—13784333298 Fax:0086—311—6080115<BR>E-mail :snuffbottle@sohu.com<BR><BR><BR><BR> <BR><BR><BR><BR> <BR><BR><BR><BR> <BR><BR><BR> <BR>

拝啓:<BR>  <BR>春の風も爽やかな日を迎えている桜の満開になっている頃、貴社がますますご清栄のこととお喜び申し上げます。<BR><BR>当社は主に中日両国それぞれ中小企業の製品を展覧、展示、即時販売する業社であり、また海外へスナッフ・ポットル(一種小さなポットルの内部に各種山水、人物、肖像などを素材として画いたミニ工芸品。御覧のように同封の写真です)を輸出することであり、また、お客様の要求によって誂えても宜しいです。<BR><BR>世界で中国の第一の貿易パートナーとしての日本の中小企業の製品はこれからどんどん中国へ進出する見込みです、それで展示、展覧会を通してその製品を直接的に中国のお客さんに紹介できます、また現地生産の事業も開拓できる可能性もあります。<BR><BR>ご存知のように手先の器用の日本人方々が特に小さなものへ愛着を持っています、それでこのミニ工芸品も必ず日本人に愛玩されるかもしれません。<BR><BR>上記の事業に興味を持っている日本関係業社がございましたら弊社に連絡して下さいように御願い致します、また都合が良ければ日本側の関係業社の名簿リスト及び連絡方法を提供して頂けませんか。<BR><BR>面積18万平方キロメートルー、人口6千万以上の河北省は近年沿海の大連などの大都市と劣らずに発展しています、省都としての石家荘市もさらに進んでいます、暖かい返事を待っております。<BR><BR>まずはお礼まで<BR><BR>           <BR> 石家庄雅睿展览展示有限公司国際貿易部<BR><BR>2005年 4月 8日<BR><BR><BR><BR>当社住所:中国河北省石家荘市水上公園東濱湖小区17−3−102受け取り人:屈徳根<BR>電話番号:0086−0−13784333298 <BR>フアクシミリ番号:0086−311−6080115<BR>当社日本語担当:屈徳根 携帯電話は:013784333298/sakuratkiku@sohu.com<BR><BR>ぜひよろしく御願い致します<BR><BR>敬具<BR><BR> <BR><BR>
Contact us jianshe road38 shijiazhuang hebei 050011
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snuff bottle スナッフボトル
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