Company's Descriptions | ||||||||||||||||
Feast ... hydrangea tea incense of Buddha pleased with. Production center of the incense incense stick, Awaji. There is the town of the incense among nature in the West Coast of Awaji-shima. I introduce "hydrangea tea incense called a favorite of Buddha" in Awajibaikundo of the establishment of a business in 1885. As for the tour of the plant! | ||||||||||||||||
喜ばれる仏様のご馳走・・・甘茶香。お香お線香の産地、淡路。自然に囲まれたお香の町は淡路島の西海岸にあります。明治18年創業の淡路梅薫堂では『仏様の好物といわれる甘茶香』をご紹介いたします。工場見学も! |
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群馬といえば 焼きまんじゅう/ 饅頭 パラオGTフィッシング倶楽部 調剤薬局 おっきりこみ 焼まんじゅう |