Company's Descriptions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Universal Produce is the most reliability export company in Japan. it is established in 2004.<BR>Universal Produce ltd. can export High quality Used vehicles from Auto Auction 'which can join only professionals' in Japan directly to you.<BR>Therefore Universal Produce Ltd can supply you with special best price with your hopeful car.<BR><BR>We look forward for receiving positive order at all time. <BR><BR>Tommy Miyazawa<BR>Universal Produce Ltd.<BR>President<BR><BR>Who's who<BR>President Tamotsu Miyazawa work at SONY Corpration. But he wanted to get himself dream, and resigned Sony to begin himself business that as EXPORT JAPANESE USED VEHICLE.<BR>thank you to read end of line. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ユニバーサルプロデュースは2004年設立の日本でもっとも信頼の置ける中古自動車輸出会社です。<BR>業務内容は専門業者の自動車オークションから直接買い付けて輸出します。<BR>従って、ユニバーサルプロデュースは破格の値段でご希望の自動車を提供できます。<BR><BR><BR> |
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